Carpe Diem

September 5, 2007

Amplían Canal de Panamá


Una torrencial tormenta siguió ayer a la explosión con la que se iniciaron las obras de ampliación del Canal de Panamá, que no hubieran sido posibles durante la administración de Estados Unidos, según dijo Jimmy Carter, suscriptor de los tratados que entregaron el control de la vía interoceánica a este país.

El ex presidente de Estados Unidos (1977-81), orador invitado en la ceremonia, que coincide con el 30 aniversario de la firma de los tratados, el 7 de setiembre de 1977, aseguró que “el Canal se ha operado mejor desde que fue devuelto a los panameños”.

“Estoy orgulloso y muy satisfecho de la eficacia con la que los panameños administran el Canal”, declaró Carter ante unos 30,000 asistentes y los presidentes de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe; Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega; Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, y El Salvador, Elías Antonio Saca.

Estados Unidos, que construyó y gobernó el canal hasta el 2000, cedió la soberanía a Panamá ese año, gracias a los tratados firmados por Carter y el entonces jefe de gobierno panameño, general Omar Torrijos.

“Esa fue la gestión más importante y difícil de mi presidencia, pero la más gratificante”, señaló Carter, quien recordó la labor y tesón de Omar Torrijos, a quien llamó el “verdadero artífice” de los tratados sobre el Canal y representante de “un pueblo orgulloso”.

El presidente de Panamá, Martín Torrijos, hijo del general que suscribió con Carter los mencionados tratados y que falleció en un accidente aéreo en 1982, recordó emocionado a su padre.

Destacó además la “extraordinaria valentía personal” de Carter en su contribución para acabar “con una injusticia histórica”, en referencia a la concesión a perpetuidad a Estados Unidos de la vía acuática.


INGRESOS. Desde que Panamá administra el Canal, los ingresos que ha aportado anualmente al Estado se calculan en 2.277 millones de dólares, 21 por ciento más que los 1.877 que se entregaban durante los 85 años de administración estadounidense.

METAS. Se removerán 7,4 millones de metros cúbicos de tierra que se utilizarán en las obras de ampliación, que se completarán hasta 2014 y tienen como objetivo duplicar el tráfico por el Canal.

September 3, 2007

Malibu Beach Resort

Malibu Beach Resort is surrounded by natural area of more than 469 acres. Eco park with more than 60% of its land destined to green areas makes this location a very pleasant and quiet place to live. The landscape is exceptional, particularly stunning are the panoramic views of the ocean, Cerro Chame and Central Mountains. Lots from 6,458 ft2 Villas from 969 ft2 Apartments from 1,291 ft2

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Andrey Udolkin
Senior Sales Agent
Office: 212-203-0979
Mobile: 347-558-2850

July 21, 2007

Investment Tips for Beginners

From the page

Ever wanted to start investing your money, but didn’t know how to go about it? Did you try to do some research, but found the information hard to understand? Here are some simple tips in plain English to help the beginner investor get started:

1. Pay Yourself First. The biggest mistake Americans make is not paying themselves before they pay their bills. If you don’t pay yourself first, you probably won’t at all. Start saving 10% of your paycheck each week so you can have some money to invest. It may not seem like much at first, but you have to start some where.

2. Be Divested. In other words, diversify. Make sure you have some money that you can get your hands on quickly in case of emergency. This is called short term investing. You also want some money in long term stocks. Stocks have the chance of making the highest interest. With stocks you always have the chance of losing your money. That is why you need to be balanced. So place some of your money in short term investments and some in long term investments.

Real Estate Investments Panama Real Estate


June 9, 2007

Investments for Beginners

From the page

Could you please do an article on where to save? I have finally gotten my budget intact, and am saving up money with every single paycheck. The problem is, I don’t know where to put the savings because I’m planning to attend college full time next year. There are several different methods to save your money out there. I’m considering mutual funds, because they seem to pay off really well, but are there maybe some alternatives that I am missing out on??

Scott asks a good question. After you’ve begun to accumulate some savings, what do you do with them? Although there’s no one answer that’s perfect for every reader, we can work with some ideas that will simplify matters for you.

First, you need to do what Scott has done. That is to decide what you want to happen. And ‘making more money’ isn’t an acceptable answer. You need to have some idea when you could need the money back. If you’ll need it for college next year, you’re going to be limited to investments that make it certain that your money will be there when you want it. If, on the other hand, you’re saving for retirement fifteen years down the road you can afford to take a little risk that you might even lose money in some years.

Next, consider your ability to take risk. There are two components that determine how much risk you should assume. We just looked at one, how soon will you need the money. The more time you have before you expect to need the money, the greater the risk you can take. If you don’t need the money for ten years and your investment loses money one year but gains the other nine it’s not a big deal. If, however, you’ll need the money next year you don’t have that luxury.

Real Estate Investments Panama Real Estate

May 18, 2007

Panama Real Estate

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May 15, 2007

Wise Investments. Big Profits

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